A Showcase of Experimental Designs

Concept Collection

2021 — 2024

iOS Apps

Web, iOS App

Web, iOS App

A Showcase of Experimental Designs

Here, I’ve gathered concepts created as part of presenting my vision to companies with whom I anticipated potential collaboration. While these ideas were neither accepted nor implemented, they hold significant value to me for the creativity and beauty they embody.

Often, these concepts were based on existing products or the work of other designers or materials provided by clients.

I came up with a tool for working with textual information, writing articles based on approved scientific publications, fact-checking, discovering information, and tracking new publications. My idea is to combine the ability to interact with an AI model in a conversational dialogue format with the option to write text independently. The tool allows users to get contextual suggestions or assistance from the AI model in a second-screen mode, or activates when they select any fragment of text.

I came up with a tool for working with textual information, writing articles based on approved scientific publications, fact-checking, discovering information, and tracking new publications. My idea is to combine the ability to interact with an AI model in a conversational dialogue format with the option to write text independently. The tool allows users to get contextual suggestions or assistance from the AI model in a second-screen mode, or activates when they select any fragment of text.

I came up with a tool for working with textual information, writing articles based on approved scientific publications, fact-checking, discovering information, and tracking new publications. My idea is to combine the ability to interact with an AI model in a conversational dialogue format with the option to write text independently. The tool allows users to get contextual suggestions or assistance from the AI model in a second-screen mode, or activates when they select any fragment of text.

A website featuring a catalog of 3D models created using a 3D scanner. Its goal is to interactively and engagingly showcase the scanner’s capabilities, allowing users to quickly assess the quality of the 3D models produced through scanning. The catalog includes a wide variety of objects, such as complex engineering mechanisms, museum artifacts, works of art, and human body parts for medical research. I suggested adding the ability to explore these models with different textures applied, under various lighting conditions, and against diverse backgrounds to enhance the user experience.

A website featuring a catalog of 3D models created using a 3D scanner. Its goal is to interactively and engagingly showcase the scanner’s capabilities, allowing users to quickly assess the quality of the 3D models produced through scanning. The catalog includes a wide variety of objects, such as complex engineering mechanisms, museum artifacts, works of art, and human body parts for medical research. I suggested adding the ability to explore these models with different textures applied, under various lighting conditions, and against diverse backgrounds to enhance the user experience.

A website featuring a catalog of 3D models created using a 3D scanner. Its goal is to interactively and engagingly showcase the scanner’s capabilities, allowing users to quickly assess the quality of the 3D models produced through scanning. The catalog includes a wide variety of objects, such as complex engineering mechanisms, museum artifacts, works of art, and human body parts for medical research. I suggested adding the ability to explore these models with different textures applied, under various lighting conditions, and against diverse backgrounds to enhance the user experience.

A concept for a video editor that allows editing the overlay of virtual clothing on videos for a virtual clothing camera app.

A concept for a video editor that allows editing the overlay of virtual clothing on videos for a virtual clothing camera app.

A concept for a video editor that allows editing the overlay of virtual clothing on videos for a virtual clothing camera app.

A concept for a medical app that allows users to track the results of blood test checkups along with their daily activities, such as exercise and sleep, to subjectively correlate these metrics and assess how they are interconnected.

A concept for a medical app that allows users to track the results of blood test checkups along with their daily activities, such as exercise and sleep, to subjectively correlate these metrics and assess how they are interconnected.

A concept for a medical app that allows users to track the results of blood test checkups along with their daily activities, such as exercise and sleep, to subjectively correlate these metrics and assess how they are interconnected.


2021 — 2024

My Role:

UX, UI Design, User Research, Prototyping

Design team:

Yuriy Malugin


2021 — 2024

My Role:

UX, UI Design, User Research, Prototyping

Design team:

Yuriy Malugin


2021 — 2024

My Role:

UX, UI Design, User Research, Prototyping

Design team:

Yuriy Malugin

© Yuriy Malugin 2025

© Yuriy Malugin 2025

© Yuriy Malugin 2025